SEOOnboarding Please call if you have questions about the form below (725) 735-8199 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastBusiness NamePhoneEmail *Website / URLPlease share admin access to your website with admin@vertexvisibility.comPlease check the box once completedPlease provide the login credentials to your Domain Registrar (If it is easier to share, please share it with *FirstLastThis is required for several SEO tasksDo you currently have a Google Business Profile? (aka a gmb page)SelectYesNoDo you know how to share your page with us?SelectYesNoPlease add the following email address as a Manager of your Google page Instructions to share your Google page with us. First, login to your google account where you set up your Google Business Profile originally. Click on the 9 dots (in the shape of a square) at the top right of the page. If you are logged in to the correct email address, you should see this icon, Click on it and you should see your Google page or possibly a list of pages. Choose the page you wish to share and click,Then, in the center of the page, you should see the following icon click the 3 dots and follow these steps... Click “Business Profile settings” Click “Managers” Click the blue “Add” Type and click the Manager box and click invite That will send us the invitation we need. Would you like us to create a Google Business Profile for you?SelectYesNoWhich Social Media networks do you want us to post on?FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedInPinterestYouTubeTikTokPlease provide us with the username and password for each platform you select.Facebook business page Username and Password *FirstLastInstagram Username and Password *FirstLastTwitter Username and Password *FirstLastLinkedIn business page Username and Password *FirstLastPinterest Username and Password *FirstLastYouTube Username and Password *FirstLastTikTok Username and Password *FirstLastThank you for taking the time to complete this form. Please hit submit and the form will be sent to us. Submit